Thursday 1 November 2007


BWHAHAHAHAHAHA I bez a bad kitty, I haz been terrorising my Grandmeowmy and her fluffballs EVERY day :D.

My BAD Meowmy has left myself and my big sister Lakme at her birther's house whilst she offs and does lordy knows what *insert pissed off kitty face here*, so I have been making the most of it and having a ball.

I steal all her big fluffballs dinner with Lakme, steal all the good sleeping spots and even attack their Meowmy and the dumb fluffballs are scared of Lakme and I. We are a third of the size of them and they are scared of US??????

I wake the Grandmeowmy by opening her eyes with my claws and sticking my claws up her nose TEEEE HEEEEEEE, but tomorrow apparently our wicked Meowmy is coming to get us so we can go home again YAY, but poo cos I won't get anymore big fluffball food for a while. But I will be home with all MY toys that I let Lakme play with and I can snuggle up to my Meowmy in bed and PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

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